CD School House 10
CD School House - Education and Games (10.0) - Wayzata Technology (1995).iso
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Text File
642 lines
Version 3.1
George R. Cotten
37 Lawrence Lane
Lexington, MA 02173
CompuServe ID: 71350,316
The program and this manual are the copyrighted property of the
author. You are granted a limited license to try the program for one month, to
copy it and distribute it, provided that:
a) You do not charge a fee for the distribution or copying of
the program unless you have the prior written consent of the author,
b) It is distributed only in its original, unmodified, compiled
form (except that it may be compressed using an archiving facility, as
long as the program can be uncompressed only back to its original
c) This documentation file accompanies the program itself, and
is also distributed in its original, unmodified form (or compressed -
see exception in item b above), and,
d) It is not distributed as part of any commercial product or
service without the prior written consent of the author.
After trying the program, if you decide to use it, please return
the license agreement/registration form, signed, along with the
registration fee of $30.00.
Registration entitles you to use the program on one computer
or local area network (LAN) at a time. LAN support is NOT provided.
If used on a network, it is at your own discretion. Site licenses are
also available for an additional fee as explained in the license
agreement/registration form. Registered users can obtain technical
support and will be notified about future revisions.
Although the program BankExpert may be useful for most
investors, and the author did his best to minimize bugs, he cannot
underwrite everyone's investment decisions or business use of this
product. Before using this program you should recognize that it
involves a high level of complexity which is potentially susceptible to
error either in the program code itself or on your part due to incorrect
usage. Thus you should understand that you use and rely upon the
results of BankExpert at your own risk.
You should satisfy yourself regarding the adequacy and
accuracy of BankExpert with test examples before committing to using
and relying upon the program on a regular basis. You should
furthermore review all program output for reasonableness before using
it to make investment decisions.
Files on the disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
CHAPTER ONE Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Program Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Initial menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Program's limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
CHAPTER TWO - Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Entering a transaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Unpaid bills & auto. deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Reconciling an account . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 10
Summary by budget groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Accounts' balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Search module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11
Check printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 11
CHAPTER THREE - Other features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
LICENSE AGREEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
LIMITED WARRANTY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 14
Files on the Disk:
There are five program files on the distribution diskette:
ACCOUNTS.DAT and WBANKS.EXE. The program is self-installing.
As you use the program, other files will be created on your disk, such
ACCOUNTx.DAT and ACCOUNTx.LOG that contain a
record of your transaction in the individual accounts
UNPAIDx.DAT has the listing of all the credits/payments that
you set to occur periodically in a given account x
WBANKS.EXE is the actual program,
BANKS.CFG is the configuration file for the program
MANUAL.DOC is the instruction manual
The program BankExpert automates the use of your checking
accounts. It maintains a record of all transactions, facilitates balancing
the account versus the bank's statement, permits printing of the checks
on any standard form that you select (inc. the standard checks supplied
by your bank). It allows to record up to 10 separate accounts.
It provides the function "unpaid bills/deposits" to store yearly,
monthly, or one-time-only transactions and remind about them when
they become due.
The programs allows setting up the budget categories for your
income (up to 6) and expenses (up to 28), thus presenting an exact
review of your income and expenditures over a selected time period.
Budget reports show how much was spent/received in any user-defined
budget area over any desired time period.
The printing of customized checks is facilitated by the setup
routine in which the user may define the exact position of each printed
line. Thus there is no need to purchase any special forms, use ones
supplied by your bank.
You may try this demo for a limited time period. At the end
of your trial, you are invited to register and then you will receive a
personalized copy of the program, be given access to technical
assistance and notified about future improvements.
CHAPTER ONE Installation
Please read the license agreement and warranty information
found at the end of this manual for more information regarding the use
of the program.
General comments
As in any Windows' program, you should make your selection
using mouse: locating the desired item and clicking on it with the
mouse's left button.
The "Supplementary screen" is a scrollable window. If the
program produces a listing larger than the space available in the
window, you may select the viewing area by use of the scroll bar on
the right hand side, or by using the "Page Up" and "Page Down"
keyboard's buttons.
To install the BankExpert on a hard disk, put the master disk
into Drive A: or Drive B: , move into that disk/directory and type the
This will initiate the installation process during which you will be
given an opportunity to select the drive and directory where you wish
to store the program. Alternatively, you may copy all the files to the
desired directory on your hard disk, change to that directory, and then
After you have installed the program in your computer, you
are ready to start the program. The first time that you use the program,
you will go directly to the "configuration menu" (see below).
NOTE: The installation program stores one file ( BANK.BAT ) in
the root directory of drive C: . This is done to facilitate the start up of
the program from any directory, since in most installations the root
directory of drive C: is included in the PATH statement.
In order to install the program's icon into the Window's
Program Manager, follow the following procedure:
1. Start Windows and maximize the Program Manager. Highlight the
desired group (eg. APPLICATIONS) by placing the mouse pointer
anywhere within that group's window and clicking the left mouse
button once.
2. From the upper menu bar select "File", and from the drop-down
menu select "New". Click on "Program Item" and then on "OK".
3. In the "Description" field type: BankExpert. Press TAB button to
move to the next field. In the "Command Line" field type the complete
path to, and the program's name (eg. C:\CHECKS\WBANKS.EXE).
4. Click on "OK".
Program configuration
The program is started by simply issuing a command:
or (if that produces an error) changing to the appropriate sub-directory
(eg. \CHECKS) and issuing the command WIN WBANKS, ie. type:
NOTE: Windows (ver. 3.1 or above) must have been installed in the
computer and the PATH statement (in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file)
must include the directory path where Windows program is located.
Consult Windows and/or DOS manual for further information about
PATH statement.
You can also start the program by clicking on its icon in the
Program Manager, if such icon was installed using the procedure
described above.
At the first start-up of the program you will be asked to name
your accounts and select the currency symbols, select the language
(English or German) for printing checks, name budget groups, and be
presented with the configuration routine which includes the parameters
for check printing and personal password. This routine can be reached
at any other time by clicking mouse on "Program configuration" in the
"Utilities" menu. The check configuration routine permits you to
configure the program for up to three check forms of your choice.
You must respond to all the questions presented on the screen,
but you may leave blank the field for the password. You can move
between the fields using a mouse, or the TAB key (it is better to use
the TAB key). The password option is active only in registered copies
of the program. Please note that the password is case sensitive, ie.
"PASSWORD" is not the same as "password", or "PassworD" ! The
suggested parameters for check printing are displayed, you may change
them to accommodate the particular design of your check form. The
parameters required for check printing are row no. and column no.
Both row and column numbers are representing the half-units, so that
on the average printer - the third printing line would be described by
row no. = 6, and so on.
This routine requires a precise placement of the printed text.
Always start by placing your blank check in precisely the same
location in the printer, eg. with the top edge just underneath the
holding bar.
During the initial configuration you will also be asked to name
all your accounts and budget categories. The listing of accounts
includes also a selection of the currency symbol and the check printing
form (see above) for each individual account. Thus you have the
ability to list accounts with different check forms and/or currencies. If
you wish to keep the default selections, just press <ENTER>,
otherwise enter the new name and press <ENTER> . The budget
categories require an additional switch: if it is set to - 1 - this category
will be counted towards the grand total, if it is - 0 - it will not. For
instance, you might have some expenses through a credit card charge
and then pay them back to the credit card company. Obviously the
payments to the credit card company should not be added in
calculation of the overall sum of expenses for the period. Thus the
category "credit card payments" should get a switch of 0 . NOTE: If
you wish to summarize expenses/income between differing accounts,
these accounts must have identical budget categories (ie. identical
names AND placed in the same order), it can best be accomplished
by using routine "Copy" under the "Tools" menu.
NOTE: Make a note of your password, since once this option
has been invoked, the program cannot be started without the correct
password. If you retained the original copy of the program (without
the password invoked), in emergency you may recover the data by
copying the former FUNDS.CFG file into your new directory and then
starting the program anew.
When this procedure is completed, the initial screen will
appear showing that it is unregistered shareware version. Press
<ENTER> to continue the program. This screen is absent from the
registered version of this program.
Initial Menu
Using the BankExpert is straightforward. To start the program
type simply type:
However, if this causes an error, change to the proper drive and the
proper sub-directory and issue the command WIN WBANKS. For
example, if you installed the program in the directory \CHECKS on
disk drive C:, you would type the following:
Substitute your drive and directory in the above commands. Once you
have followed the steps above, the first screen will be displayed. The
initial window that appears after the user passes through the
"Registration screen", contains at the top a menu bar which presents
the following options:
Main Menu
The inactivated menu choices will be "grayed" for easy identification.
In order to start the program you MUST click the mouse on the
"PROGRAM", this will drop the menu:
Portfolio #1
Portfolio #2
Portfolio #3
Exit this program
Exit Windows
You MUST click on the "Portfolio #1", to activate most of the other
menu options. If you wish to terminate the program, but remain under
Windows - click on the "Exit this program". The "Exit Windows"
selection terminates the program and the Windows operating system
and brings back the DOS command line.
The option to set up the additional two individual portfolios
(Portfolio #2 and Portfolio #3) is available only to the registered users
only. NOTE: Portfolios #2 and 3 can use only the accounts that have
already been selected for the Portfolio #1.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The program uses two windows to display
information. In the Main Window (background color - light blue) all
selections are accomplished using a mouse to point the selections and
then clicking the left mouse button to confirm it. In the Supplementary
Window (background color - white) the mouse does not operate and
all selections must be made by entering the appropriate number (or
text) from the keyboard and pressing the <ENTER> key to complete
the transmission. In certain computers the Supplementary Window,
when it first appears, is inactive - ie. the cursor is not visible and the
window's frame is grayed. Such windows should be first activated by
clicking the mouse while it is pointed anywhere WITHIN the window
Program's limitations
The program requires IBM compatible computer, type 286 or
higher. The operating system should be MS-DOS version 3.1 or above,
and include Windows version 3.1 or higher.
The program will use a RAM drive for its work files,
providing that such drive is available and has a subdirectory \TEMP,
or \TMP , in accordance with specifications for Windows system.
Consult DOS, or Windows, manuals for a further description of RAM
The data files are of "sequential" type. The data files can be
accessed with any editing program, but you are advised against making
any corrections, or changes, using an outside editor, since you may
inadvertently destroy the usefulness of such files.
The BankExpert program will maintain a register of all
transactions, print checks and calculate their total for each budget
Entering a transaction
To start a transaction (ie. payment or deposit), select
"Transactions" from the "Main menu". A window will appear with
three selection groups: disregard the first selection group, marked as
"for automatic transactions only". The second group presents the
following choice of transactions, where the column under "ACTION"
presents your choice, while the other three columns give the result of
that action:
check debited increased debited
withdrawal debited no change debited
deposit credited no change credited
unpaid bill N/A N/A N/A
auto. deposit N/A N/A N/A
cash purchase no change no change debited
credit no change no change credited
The use of "unpaid bill" and "auto. deposit" will be explained
The third group presents a choice of your accounts. Select one,
and lastly press the "OK" button.
The next window that will appear presents a check, or credit
form to the left and a list of all the budget groups on the right hand
side. The check form will automatically present the next check number
and the current date. However you may alter either one of these fields
as needed. You should also fill the name of the payee, or payer, the
amount of the transaction and select the appropriate budget group. The
current balance on the account is indicated immediately below the
check form. You are also given the option to print this check
The "split entry" option allows to combine two, or more items
that are charged to different budget groups but are paid/credited in a
single transaction. Select "start split entry" for the first item, and select
"end split entry" for the last item of such a group.
Unpaid bills and auto. deposits
The unpaid bills feature allows to enter a bill that needs to be
paid, or a deposit that is expected to be received, at some future date
either at regular intervals (monthly, yearly), or just once. You enter
such bill/deposit by selecting "Transactions" from the "Main menu"
and choosing either "Unpaid bill" or "Auto. deposit" from the next
display window. At this time you the frequency of that transaction
must be indicated by selecting the appropriate item within the group
marked "for automatic transactions only". To pay an "unpaid bill"
simply follow the instructions as they will appear on the screen.
Once such an item is recorded and becomes due, you will be
reminded whenever the Bank Expert is started. If it is a monthly, or
yearly, occurrence - the new date will be automatically updated after
the payment/deposit was made.
Payments & deposits due
In order to obtain a listing of all deposits and payments due by
a certain date, select "Payments & deposits due" from the "Main
menu". After the listing is displayed, you may choose to pay/credit the
individual items.
Reconciling an account
In order to reconcile an account, ie to compare it with the
bank statement, select "Reconcile account" from the "Main menu". On
the first display you will be asked to select the account. Once this has
been completed, the outstanding items on that account will be
presented. At this time you may correct any of the entries displayed
and you must respond to the question whether this item was listed on
the bank's statement.
Once the list of outstanding items is exhausted, the program
displays the current account's balance that should have been reported
by the bank and asks if you "agree" with the result. If you agree, all
the items that appeared on the bank statement are marked as processed
and will not appear when the account is balanced next time.
Summary by budget groups
A summary of all income and expenses categorized by the
budget groups and limited to the selected period of time is obtained by
choosing "Summary of budget groups" from the "Main program". The
first window that will appear asks to state the time period and select
all the accounts that should be summarized together. NOTE : You can
only select accounts that have identical budget groups (both: named
identically AND placed in the same order).
The "sum of designated credits" and "sum of designated
expenses" includes only the budget groups that have been given the
switch value of 1 (for explanation see the section about configuring the
Check printing
Checks can be printed on any bank form, however the program
must be instructed the exact position and order of the individual lines,
ie. date, payee, amount of payment (numerical, and text), and any comments.
Note that the program will convert automatically the numerical amount
of payment into the text.
For consistent results, the check form must be always inserted
in EXACTLY the same location in the printer. For instance, in matrix
type printers you may align the top edge of the form with the holding
bar. It is necessary to make a number of trial runs to determine the
needed configuration for the check. The initial trials could be made
with a plane sheet of paper, and the actual checks be used for only the
final adjustments. Note that both row and column numbers are roughly
in half units, ie for instance a third printing line would have a row no.
of 6. The check configuration is reached by selecting "Utilities" and
"Program configuration" next.
You may print each check as it is recorded, by selecting "print
check" on the check form (see above). Alternatively, select "Check
printing" from the "Main menu. A list of checks will appear and you
will be asked for the number of the check to be printed.
Change check no.
A special routine is provided to change the number of the
NEXT check. To access it, select "Change check no." from the "Tools"
menu and follow instructions on the screen.
Editing of records
The records in both the check register and the register of
"unpaid" bills/deposits can be readily edited by accessing them through
"Edit records" from the "Tools" menu.
The program will list all the selected records and ask which
one to change. Next, that record will be displayed and any of the
fields on it can be altered at that time.
Accounts' balances
The current balances on all active accounts are obtained by
selecting "Balances" from the "Main menu".
To search for transactions with a selected Payee/Payer, choose
"Search" from "Tools" menu and type in the desired search text.
NOTE: you need not enter the full name, for instance you can enter
"Soc" when looking for all "Social Security payments.
In order to print any of the displays, first select "Print on"
from "Printing" menu item in the "Tools" menu. The selection will
stay active until cancelled and will print any listings, as they are
displayed on the screen.
Archiving data records
It is advisable to archive all records on floppy disks at regular
intervals. The procedure is very simple: place a floppy in drive A: or
drive B: and select "Copy" from the "Tools" menu. The program will
copy automatically all data records (ie with .DAT or .LOG) to the
Exporting data files
All data can be exported in the comma delimited format by
selecting "Tools" / "Copy" / "Export" from the menu. All data will be
placed in a single file named DATA.TXT in the following sequence:
account no., budget group, payee/payer, amount, date, check no. Such
data file can then be used in many "database" programs.
The use of the BankExpert program is granted under the
following terms:
1) You may make copies of the program and
documentation in their original, unmodified, form without restriction.
You may make copies of the documentation either in its printed or
machine readable form without restriction. If these copies are
distributed to others outside of your organization, you have no
obligation to control the use of those copies; however, any copies
made which are distributed within your organization are restricted to
the terms of this license agreement.
2) You may not modify the program or its documentation
or charge a fee for copying or distributing the program or its
3) You may use the BankExpert program on the number
of computers for which you have paid the license fee. If the fee has
been paid for a site license, you may use the program on as many
computers as are located at that site; however, you may not use the
program on any computer not located at that site without paying an
additional licensing fee.
The author warrants to any licensee that acquires the
program from him that:
1) All diskettes the author provides to licensee constitute an
accurate duplication of the software and manual. The author will
replace any diskette found to be defective within 30 days from the
date of acquisition. The author withholds the right to not honor this
warranty if the diskette has been subjected to physical abuse, or used
in defective or incompatible equipment.
2) The BankExpert program will perform substantially as
described in the documentation accompanying the software, if used as
directed in such documentation.
3) This warranty specifically limits any remedy to the
replacement of the physical diskette and documentation if these were
originally acquired directly from the author. It shall not cover any
other damages including, but not limited to: loss of profit, commercial
damage, or other special, consequential or similar claims. The
BankExpert program is sold without warranty as to its merchantability
or fitness for any particular purpose.
4) The author makes no warranty that its software is error
free nor that its use by the licensee will be uninterrupted.
5) It is necessary to complete and return the registration
card and pay the license fee to implement this warranty and to receive
customer support.